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Infectious Diseases

  • Discospondylitis is a bacterial or fungal infection of the intervertebral disks and the adjacent vertebral bones. It primarily affects dogs, though rarely can affect cats. It affects large breed dogs more often and generally starts clinically as back pain. The diagnosis and treatment of this condition are outlined in this handout.

  • Distemper virus is a highly contagious disease that can affect multiple body systems and is potentially fatal. Puppies are most susceptible, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, or neurologic signs may be seen. Vaccines are available and are highly effective at preventing disease.

  • Echinococcosis refers to being infected with a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus and is primarily a parasite of coyotes and foxes. Infected cats are usually asymptomatic, but in both cats and humans the parasite can cause large cysts to form within the lungs and liver. E.multilocularis is treated with praziquantel and in most cases the prognosis is good.

  • Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne bacterial (Ehrlichia) infection spread by the brown dog tick found in many areas of North America. There appear to be three stages of disease: acute, sub-clinical, and chronic or clinical. Abnormal findings on initial lab work include thrombocytopenia, anemia, hyperglobulinemia, and proteinuria. In-clinic ELISA tests can be used to screen for exposure but will be negative if the infection is new. Blood can be sent for PCR testing to demonstrate infection and to determine the species of Ehrlichia. Prevention includes minimizing exposure to ticks and use of tick prevention medication regularly.

  • Encephalitozoonsis is a parasitic infection that can affect the kidneys, eyes, and nervous systems of rabbits. Many infected rabbits do not develop clinical signs until they are older or if they become stressed or immunocompromised. Common signs that may develop include heavy white plaques/growths inside one or both eyes, head tilt, eye twitching, and tremors or seizures. Treatments are available, though not all rabbits respond.

  • Heartworm Disease in Dogs

    La enfermedad de los gusanos del corazón o dirofilariosis es una enfermedad grave y potencialmente fatal. Está causada por un parásito sanguíneo llamado Dirofilaria immitis.

  • Lyme Disease in Dogs

    La enfermedad de Lyme está causada por una espiroqueta, Borrelia burgdorferi. Una espiroqueta es un tipo de bacteria. La enfermedad de Lyme se transmite a los perros a través de la picadura de una garrapata. Una vez en el torrente sanguíneo, el organismo de la enfermedad de Lyme será transportado a diferentes partes del cuerpo y puede llegar a las articulaciones. Antes se pensaba que sólo un tipo concreto de garrapatas podían transmitir la enfermedad, pero ahora parece ser que muchos tipos de especies están implicadas. El tipo más común de garrapata portadora de la enfermedad de Lyme es la garrapata ciervo.

  • Famciclovir is given by mouth and is used off-label to control feline herpesvirus. Give as directed. Side effects may include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and increased drinking and urination. Do not use it in pets that are allergic to it or penciclovir. If a negative reaction occurs, call your veterinary office.

  • Fechavirus is a type of parvovirus. It is a newly discovered gastrointestinal virus identified in cats in 2018. The significance of fechavirus in pet cats is unknown at this point. The most common signs associated with fechavirus are diarrhea and vomiting. If your veterinarian suspects fechavirus, your cat will receive supportive care to control clinical signs and prevent dehydration.

  • Feline calicivirus is a virus that is an important cause of upper respiratory infections and oral disease in cats. The typical clinical signs of an upper respiratory infection involve the nose and throat such as sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, and discharge from the nose or eyes. Calicivirus is highly contagious and infected cats can shed the virus in saliva or secretions from the nose or eyes. The standard core vaccines that are given to cats include immunization against calicivirus and will help reduce the severity of disease and shorten the length of the illness if your cat is exposed.